About Aspen

Software Development is a new found love for me that I have been nurturing the last 6 months by attending Nashville Software School's Cohort 20 Class. Before NSS, I was a Swim Instructor for a local company. I was also in charge of their Social Media and basic updates to their SquareSpace Company Website.

I found myself spending more and more time every update tinkering with SquareSpace and speaking with my managers about how we can better our site for our clients, thus leading me to look into Web Design and Software Development and applying for NSS.

I am drawn to development for the challenges, endless learning opportunities, and innovation shared in collaborative environments. I love being helpful and practical. Software Development has given me an opportunity to make things for others that are excitable and helpful!

I love seeing how much I have learned and grown during this program, not only by the knowledge I have gained, but also by learning how to be the best teammate I can be. I am ecstatic to spend my life constantly learning interesting and innovative ways to collaborate with others building products and applications that make others happy with the potential of making life simpler for others.

View My Projects


INSI (Front End Capstone)
Technologies Used: JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Firebase, NutritionIX API

Current Iteration AngularJS web app to Calculate insulin-to-carbohydrate conversions from carbohydrate data from the NutritionIX API, with the user JSON objects in the Firebase Web API. Styling with Bootstrap and CSS.

My nephew was diganosed with Type 2 diabetes while I was attending NSS. I would have to google (and log) the carbs in every given food I fed him, manually calcualte those carbs with the amount he ate, and with his current carbohydrate-to-insulin conversion. This became a time consuming task and quite difficult to manage (especially at the Zoo with him and his younger brother). I started thinking, "there has to be a better way". INSI was born.

Version 2 of INSI will include:
- a more specific user food search and selection,
- promts for the user to check and log their suger before they calculate their food and 2 hours following,
- multiple food calucation at one givin time, all food searches, results, and sugar logs will be compiled into a graph to send via PDF to a patients doctor,
- conversion of firebase storage to NodeJS backend with a PostgreSQL database.

Pocket Sommelier!

Pocket Sommelier Technologies Used: Server-Side Capstone Project Using NodeJS, Express, and Postgres, for back-end and AngularJS and Bootsrtap v3 for front-end.

The goal of this app is to be the users guide to quick and accurate wine and cheese pairings. I am new into the world of wine and when I go into Kroger to buy a bottle I have no idea what to get. I know what cheese I like..and that is about it! I find food pairings very interesting so I decided to make an app to help me find the perfect wine, quickly, during my grocery trip!

Version 2 of PocketSommelier will include: New Wine(s) and Cheese(s) creating a more extensive pairing list, Tips and Tricks, Fun Quizes, Chocolate Pairings, Search Wine and Cheese by Type, and more!

Local HoneyBee Project!

Local HoneyBee Project! Technologies Used: Personal Project inspired by Nodevember, this application uses the following technolies: React, ReactVR (ReactNative), Docker-Go LINUX!, GraphQL, NodeJS, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, and Bootstrap4.

The goal of this app is to be the users guide to local honey. This project is dedicated to supporting local honey farmers in Tennessee. Information includes: farm location, where to purchase, types of honey (what plants are pollinated in the area by the bees example: orange blossoms) with facts and information on how you can help "save the bees". The app will also includ a 3D ReactVR mini-game allowing the user to "Be a Bee"; goal of the game: polinate all of the flowers shown in a given time frame.


Get In Touch

Interested in learning more about me, my work, or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.

Cell: (615)294-6387

Email: aspenjadedimmick@gmail.com

Checkout My Podcast!